BOTOX is a neuromodulator that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of several medical and cosmetic concerns. It is one of the most popular anti-aging treatments at WellSkin Med Spa in Dallas, TX due to the many benefits it provides, including the versatility of the treatment. To help you determine if this injectable muscle relaxant could benefit you, read on to discover everything you need to know about it.
What Issues Can You Treat With BOTOX?
BOTOX is usually used to correct cosmetic concerns caused by excessive muscle contractions, like forehead folds and glabellar lines between your eyebrows. However, it can also be used to address other cosmetic concerns, including nasolabial folds and crow’s feet. Furthermore, you can use this injectable muscle relaxant to lift sagging eyebrows into a more youthful position.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
You can generally expect to be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you are between the ages of 18 and 65 and are concerned about the effects of excessive muscle contractions. However, you need to attend an initial consultation with a cosmetic expert to verify that this treatment is right for you. We need to discuss your goals and evaluate your concerns to confirm that this treatment will be effective for you.
Furthermore, we need to make sure that this treatment will be safe for you. While this injectable muscle relaxant is suitable for most adults, there are contraindications. we need to evaluate your health and discuss your medical history to ensure that you are healthy enough to get this treatment.
What Contraindications Are There for This Treatment?
BOTOX is not a good fit for people who suffer from a bleeding disorder or diabetes that is poorly controlled. Furthermore, you will not qualify for this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and you may not qualify if you have a history of keloid scarring or severe allergic reactions. Moreover, you will be considered a poor candidate for this treatment if you are allergic to bovine protein.
What Preparation Steps Are Required Before Treatment?
To prepare for BOTOX injections, you must stop taking any medications that can affect the treatment. For instance, you will not be able to take oral muscle relaxants or certain sleep aids. Furthermore, you will not be able to take any blood thinners or anticoagulants. It is also important that you avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption for 24 hours prior to your injection session.
Another important preparation step to take is to protect your skin from sunburn. Your session will be postponed if your skin is irritated at the time of your appointment. Therefore, you should minimize sun exposure in the middle of the day and wear effective sunscreen when sun exposure cannot be avoided. Additionally, you should avoid using depilatory cream in the treatment areas to mitigate the risk of skin irritation at the time of your appointment.
What Should I Expect During My Treatment Session?
Before we administer your injections, we will inspect the areas targeted for treatment to verify that they are free from irritation, like sunburn or an active skin infection. If your skin is free from irritation, we will clean the treatment areas and prepare syringes with the optimal dose of medication. Then, we will inject the medication into three to five strategic points within each treatment area.
Generally, you can expect your injection session to take between 10 and 30 minutes. However, you should keep in mind that there are many factors affecting the length of your treatment session. For example, if you want us to numb your skin before your injections are administered, your session may take roughly 15 minutes longer. Furthermore, your session may take closer to an hour if you also need other cosmetic treatments to achieve your goals.
What Should I Expect After My Treatment Session?
After your injections have been administered, we will review your aftercare guidelines with you. After that, you should be able to go back to work. However, you will need to avoid certain activities, like sweating, excessive heat, and physical activity that is so vigorous that blood flow to your face increases significantly. Additionally, you will need to avoid bending over and lifting heavy weights.
How Long Can I Expect My Desired Results To Last?
Typically, BOTOX results last for three to four months. However, exceptions apply. For example, if you have never undergone treatment before, your results may only last for two months. On the other hand, your results may last for six months if you are treating mild concerns. Other factors affect the longevity of your results, too, such as the areas being treated.
What Can I Do To Make My Results Last Longer?
While the results of this treatment are temporary, there are several things you can do to help extend the longevity of your results. For example, you can enjoy smooth skin for longer by avoiding excessive sun exposure and other forms of UV radiation. Furthermore, you may be able to extend the longevity of your results by eating nutritiously and staying hydrated. Moreover, you should minimize your consumption of foods that cause premature skin aging.
Additionally, managing stress can help you enjoy smooth skin for longer. Not smoking is also beneficial. Moreover, you can help to extend the longevity of your results by getting injectable dermal filler treatments regularly. This helps keep your skin smooth because it encourages your skin to produce extra collagen, a crucial supportive protein.
What Injectable Dermal Fillers May Help Me Improve My Appearance?
VOLUMA XC is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler manufactured by Allergan, the maker of BOTOX. This filler may be a good fit for you if you have lost a significant amount of volume in the middle of your cheek. Additionally, this treatment may improve your appearance if you have skin laxity problems, such as sagging jowls or loose cheek skin. Furthermore, this treatment can benefit you if you want to recontour your cheekbone or jawline or enhance your under-eye.
It is important to understand that the “XC” in the filler name indicates that the formula contains an injectable anesthetic called lidocaine. If you are allergic to lidocaine, Sculptra may be a better injectable for you. It is also important to note that getting VOLUMA XC injections should not add over 25 minutes to your anti-aging treatment session. Additionally, you should know that if you get VOLUMA XC injections, you can expect to enjoy your results for two years.
Sculptra is a poly-L -lactic acid-based dermal filler that can be used to augment virtually any part of the body experiencing volume loss. Most commonly, it is used to fill in hollow temples and cheeks. However, it can also be used to treat other volume loss-related concerns, such as marionette lines and smile lines. You can generally expect the results of this treatment to last for two to five years depending on your health, lifestyle, and other factors.
VOLBELLA XC is another HA-based filler that Allergan manufactures. This injectable dermal filler is usually used to augment one or both of the lips to enhance their appearance and correct symmetry problems. However, you also may benefit from this treatment if you feel self-conscious due to moderate or severe perioral lines. Typically, the results of this treatment last for six to 12 months.
Restylane is similar to VOLUMA XC and VOLBELLA XC in that it is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler. It is also similar to Sculptra in that it is incredibly versatile. This injectable is often used to plump up the cheeks, under-eye area, and lips. However, it is also effective for the treatment of marionette lines and nasolabial folds.
Due to the non-invasive nature of this cosmetic treatment, you will probably qualify if you have concerns caused by volume loss. However, you need to consult with a dermatologist to verify your candidacy for this treatment.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
BOTOX can be used to treat concerns caused by excessive muscle contractions. It is usually used for the treatment of cosmetic concerns, like forehead folds, glabellar lines, crow’s feet, and nasolabial folds. However, it can also reverse medical problems temporarily. If you are interested in learning more about this treatment, please call us or contact us online today to schedule a consultation at WellSkin Med Spa in Dallas, TX. We’ll see you soon.