Did you know that most American adults have a double chin? While this problem is often related to excess weight, this isn’t always the case, and you might have submental fullness even if you’re not overweight. At WellSkin Med Spa in Dallas, TX, we can offer you a treatment called Kybella. This simple and effective method involves injecting a substance that melts your fat cells into your chin.
Because your cells are destroyed and you won’t be able to grow new ones, it’s likely that your results will be permanent. However, the outcome of double chin treatment depends on how well you maintain your current weight and lifestyle because significant changes could cause your chin to grow again. Read on to find out more about double chin treatment and to discover whether you’re the ideal candidate.
Is Kybella a Permanent Fix?
The Kybella treatment for submental fullness is based on deoxycholic acid, which is one of the secondary stomach acids. It can break down fat cells, so it is the ideal substance to get rid of a double chin. Since adults no longer grow new fat cells, the results are considered permanent. Despite this, some patients have to come back for additional Kybella treatment, either related to their chin or to other areas of their bodies.
This could be because they have gained weight, and the tissues around their face have changed again. However, the issue could also be the quality of the clinic or the patient’s lifestyle. If you’d like to experience permanent results after double chin treatment, book an appointment with a high-quality clinic like WellSkin Med Spa, and follow all our directions.
Factors Affecting Your Results
You won’t be able to maintain your results unless you stay at approximately the same weight. Although you have fewer fat cells under your chin after deoxycholic acid injections, they haven’t all been removed, and the remaining ones can still expand if you gain a lot of weight. What’s more, your features might look uneven because other areas of your face and neck haven’t been treated, so they will grow wider if you become overweight or obese.
Other lifestyle factors can also affect your appearance. For example, people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle that includes drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking, and eating unhealthy foods are more likely to experience premature signs of aging. One of the most common symptoms is sagging skin, which can increase the risk of a double chin.
The Quality of Your Clinic
Unfortunately, not all clinics are able to provide the same kind of service. Double chin treatment and other injectables are technique-sensitive, which means that you will get an inferior result if you are treated by someone who hasn’t undergone the right kind of training.
When you contact a clinic, always check what kinds of qualifications the employees have and whether they have experience administering double chin treatment. You might also be able to find some of this information online.
What Lifestyle Adjustments Are Necessary?
Many people suffer from submental fullness because they have lost a lot of weight. The fat cells on the chin don’t always respond to treatment as well as those located in other areas of the body. If you’ve spent many months working on your weight loss goals, it’s likely that you’ve already built up good habits. In this case, you might not have to adjust your lifestyle because it is already healthy.
When you come for your initial consultation, we will ask you questions about your alcohol and nicotine intake, your diet, and your exercise habits to determine whether you’re likely to experience permanent results. If we think you need to make any changes, we will let you know.
How Can I Make Sure I Don’t Fall Back Into Old Habits?
After you’ve spent months or even years achieving your target weight, you might be tempted to celebrate and relax a little. After all, you no longer need to reduce your size, and you look amazing. But it’s easy to fall back into old habits, and many people who have worked hard to lose weight gain it all again once they come off their diet.
To prevent this from happening to you, consider enlisting the help of a specialist, for example, a dietitian or a personal trainer. You might already know someone from your weight loss journey, but if not, ask us for a recommendation. A professional can help you develop a sustainable diet and exercise routine, and they will keep you on track in the long term.
Am I a Good Candidate for Double Chin Treatment?
Most adults who aren’t overweight or suffering from a serious medical condition can take part in Kybella, no matter their age and background. However, we will always assess you before administering the first injections because we have to make sure that the treatment is safe for you and that you will see the desired results. In some cases, for instance, if you are ill or if your double chin is recent, we will ask you to speak to a doctor before starting.
You Are At a Healthy Weight
As discussed above, double chin treatment is only possible in patients who are almost at their weight loss goal or have already reached it. It’s also worth noting that not everyone who has a double chin was overweight or obese at some point.
Genetic factors and aging can also affect the appearance of the chin. Thus, some people naturally develop excess fat over time, and no amount of dieting or exercise can help them get rid of it. These patients are excellent candidates for treatment.
You Have Suffered from Submental Fullness for a While
Over time, the appearance of the body changes. If you’ve recently developed a double chin, this could be due to temporary changes, for example, because you’ve been tired recently and your posture has suffered.
Wait for at least six months before you come to the clinic since we can’t treat you if your double chin is very new. Getting evaluated by a doctor could also be a good idea since submental fullness is sometimes related to other illnesses. If you’ve changed the way you hold your head, for instance, due to back pain or another medical issue, your double chin could be caused by this shift.
You Don’t Have Any Major Health Issues
Candidates don’t have to be in perfect health to participate in Kybella treatment. This method is minimally invasive, and the active ingredient is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, so complications are highly unlikely. Despite this, you need to let us know if you have any medical conditions or allergies and if you take any medication on a regular basis.
People with severe or chronic illnesses might need to speak to doctors and make sure that the injections won’t affect their regular treatment schedule. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can’t take part because there isn’t enough evidence that deoxycholic acid is safe for them and the baby. However, they can come for an initial consultation and schedule the injections for a later date.
You Are an Adult
Children and teenagers can still develop new fat cells, so they are not suitable candidates for double chin treatment, since they are unlikely to see permanent results. Once you’ve reached the age of 18 or 20, you can speak to us about getting your submental fullness addressed. We welcome adults of any age, from people in their 20s to those in their 70s and beyond.
Are There Any Complementary Treatments?
Double chin treatment on its own can work wonders for your profile. But as time goes by, you might notice other cosmetic issues such as sagging skin and wrinkles. If you’d like to look your best and retain your youthful complexion, you could benefit from some of our other Kybella treatments, which include dermal fillers, Botox, and laser or radiofrequency skin rejuvenation.
All our methods are minimally invasive, so you won’t have to spend a night at the clinic or recover at home for several weeks. Instead, you can drive yourself home and resume your normal routine right away.
Get Rid of Your Double Chin Today
Kybella is a highly effective treatment that can help you get rid of submental fullness for good. If you get treated by a highly qualified person, maintain your weight afterward, and lead a healthy lifestyle, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy permanent results. Give us a call at WellSkin Med Spa in Dallas, TX to book your initial consultation. We can help you decide whether this injectable is right and whether you need any other minimally invasive treatments.